Bob Bly, author of 70+ books and the man McGraw-Hill calls “America’s top copywriter,” reveals how you can stay home, write, and enjoy….
You -- a Millionaire Writer?
Quit your job, stay home, and make $100,000 a year or more writing and selling simple information to editors, publishers, corporate clients, and even online!
Dear Writer (or Soon-to-be Writer or Information Marketer):
The writer's life is a great life.
I love staying home, avoiding the rat race, and getting paid good money to sit here at my PC reading, thinking, and writing for my clients, customers, and publishers.
Now, I want to show YOU how to stay home writing … while earning $500 to $1,000 a day or more – or $75,000 … $125,000 … even $250,000 a year or more as a freelance writer or information marketer.
If you will let me….
Make $100,000 a year or more writing and selling simple information!
In our new program, The Millionaire Writer/Information Marketer’s Lifestyle, Fred Gleeck and I reveal how you can quickly and easily start and run a lucrative freelance writing or information marketing business … starting in as little as 90 days!
In this 4-CD audio course, you will discover:
- How to become a self-made millionaire as a freelance writer or information marketer – even if you never write a best-seller or a movie script for Hollywood.
- The difference between a “writer” and an “information marketer” – and how you can make thousands of dollars a week at either (or both).
- What does it take to become truly wealthy in the U.S. today … and can a freelance writer ever hope to achieve it?
- Why you can become a millionaire writer or information marketer even if you’re not a great writer, know nothing about marketing, or think you don’t possess valuable information to sell.
- Fred Gleeck’s 90/10 rule for determining which subjects you are qualified to write about and which niches you can publish in.
- The 10 key advantages of becoming an independent writer or information marketer … and how you can be sure to enjoy each.
- The one thing you MUST do before you can achieve total success. If you don’t do it, you can NEVER be successful!
- How to earn an income writing and selling simple information that even a doctor, lawyer, or airline pilot might envy.
- Why writers and information marketers can NEVER be bored … and can always earn money.
- The only 2 ways to become a millionaire writer. Which one is right for you?
- Your “back of the envelope” quick and easy “millionaire writer/information marketer” business plan. You can literally write it in less than 5 minutes, then use it for a lifetime to increase your wealth.
- 8 essential skills you need to succeed as a freelance writer or information marketer – and how to develop each.
- How good a writer do you really have to be to earn six figures as a freelance writer or information marketer? The answer will shock you.
- It’s the single most important factor in determining your success as a freelance writer or information marketer – and it has nothing to do with what you actually write.
- How much money in the bank do you need before you can start your freelance writing or information marketing business?
- How to save money on health insurance when you are a self-employed writer or Internet entrepreneur.
Next, we show you the 7 different kinds of writing that can help you attain wealth and financial independence as a millionaire writer or information marketer….
Millionaire writing opportunity #1:
Magazine articles
You can’t make a fortune writing magazine articles alone.
But magazine articles can be a stepping stone in your writing career as well as a nice source of secondary writing income.
In this session, we answer your most important questions about breaking into freelance writing for magazines, including:
- Who writes magazine articles – staffers or freelancers?
- How do you know which magazines hire writers -- and what they pay?
- How do you get ideas for articles and present them to editors who can hire you to write them?
- How do you write a winning “query letter” that locks in assignment after assignment for you?
- What are the shortcuts to researching and writing articles that editors will buy?
- How much can you charge the magazine for your article … and how much money can you make?
- Who owns the rights to your article? How can you sell and resell the same article over and over again to multiply your freelance writing profits?
- How can you turn a single article assignment into a regular syndicated column?
- Can writing a column make you rich? If not, why do people write columns? How can it enhance your writing career?
Millionaire writing opportunity #2:
Nonfiction books and novels
Most writers I’ve encountered – and many non-writers – dream of writing and publishing a book….
The writers want to satisfy an artistic need for self-expression, while the non-writers want to communicate their accumulated wisdom and knowledge – and also to gain a small measure of fame and fortune.
To help you get your book published and into the bookstores in record time, we reveal:
- How to get paid $10,000 to $50,000 or more by your publisher – before you even write one word of your book.
- How having a book published can generate a ton of new leads, raise your visibility, and establish you as an expert in your field.
- Self-publishing vs. traditional publishing – which is right for you?
- How to write a winning book proposal and knock your editor’s socks off.
- How to get a good literary agent to represent you.
- Key points to keep in mind when negotiating your book strategy.
- The world’s best strategy for making serious money writing nonfiction books.
- The awful truth about writing your first novel … and your second … and your third.
- Can you sell a novel based on a brief outline? The answer may surprise you.
- Should you ever self-publish your novel?
Millionaire writing opportunity #3:
Ghostwriting and Corporate Writing
Okay. Here’s an area where you can make a lot of money as a freelance writer – without a lot of competition -- ghostwriting for individuals and corporate clients.
In this section of the program, you will discover:
- What is ghostwriting … and what projects need ghostwriters?
- Who hires ghostwriters – corporations, publishers, celebrities, individuals – and how do you find these clients?
- What is the ghostwriter paid when writing a book for a traditional publisher? Is it a 50-50 advance and royalty split? Or worse?
- How much do you charge to ghostwrite a book your client is going to self-publish?
- What type of ghostwriting jobs can pay you a lot of money … and which are likely to be a waste of time?
- What is “corporate writing” – and why does it pay so well?
- Who is your prospect for corporate writing … and how do you get hired?
- What do you charge for an annual report … a speech … a company newsletter?
- Why is corporate writing 4X more profitable than editorial writing?
Millionaire writing opportunity #4:
Direct response copywriting
Here’s a secret writer’s magazines and conferences almost never tell you about: the highest paid writing specialty today is writing direct response marketing.
Mail order ads … direct mail packages … landing pages … e-mail marketing. These assignments can pay fees of thousands of dollars each – plus a small fortune in royalties – when you play your cards right.
Since this is my specialty, I’ll give you an insider’s look at how the top direct response writers earn upwards of a million dollars a year:
- What is direct response marketing vs. general marketing?
- Why does direct response pay so much more than general advertising?
- What are the other advantages of writing direct response copy?
- What are the most lucrative writing assignments in direct marketing … and what can you charge for each?
- Who are the best direct response clients … where do you find them … and how do you get them to give you a shot at a project?
- What about writing press releases and other public relations materials? Is that lucrative, too?
- How can you master direct response copywriting – and cut years off your learning curve?
Millionaire writing opportunity #5:
Speaking, training, seminars, and consulting
The fifth opportunity for writers to make huge amounts of money is through speaking, training, seminars, workshops, coaching, and consulting.
As a writer, you have knowledge of specialized topics – the subjects you write about – and the ability to explain them in a clear, engaging manner.
What many writers don’t realize is that speaking is often much more lucrative than writing.
For instance, say you get paid $500 to write an article. Did you know you can command a fee of 5 to 10 times that amount to give a short talk on the same topic?
In this session, you will discover:
- What are the different ways a writer can make money by talking instead of writing -- and should you be doing them?
- Where can a writer give speeches? What does it pay? And how do you get speaking engagements?
- What is “training”? What does it pay? How do you get hired?
- How can I make money with other speaking opportunities including public seminars, conferences, and boot camps?
- Why should consulting be every writer’s “second business”?
- Why is a writer qualified to be a consultant … and what do writers consult on?
- What are the advantages of consulting for the writer? And how much can you charge for your consulting services?
- How can writers make thousands of dollars a day serving as “expert witnesses” on the topics they write about?
- What is the difference between coaching and consulting … and what is the going rate for coaching?
- What qualifications do you need to offer coaching services? How do you find and work with coaching clients?
- How can being a writer or information marketer differentiate you as a coach?
Millionaire writing opportunity #6:
Writing and selling simple information online
Although I’ve written 70 books, all published by traditional publishing houses, my colleague Fred Gleeck is no slouch in the book department: he’s the author of 15 books, with more on the way.
But despite being a prolific author in his own right, Fred considers himself an information marketer, not a writer.
Although he and I do many of the same things, my focus is on writing, while Fred’s is on product development and marketing.
So I wanted him to explain his unique approach to writing and selling simple information.
And here’s what I asked – and he answered – in the final part of this program:
- Why do you call yourself an information marketer, not a writer?
- You often hire writers to take your ideas and content and write the actual book or report you sell, instead of writing it yourself. Why?
- What does it cost to hire a writer, and where can I find one? How about editors, proofreaders, indexers?
- How much income can I realistically expect to earn selling information products online within the first 12 to 18 months?
- To make a million dollars a year as an Internet marketer, do you need an outside office and a staff? Or can you do it with no employees without overworking yourself to death?
- How do you come up with ideas for products? From your own interests and passions? Or do you scientifically survey online buyers, then give them what they say they want?
- What is a “probe campaign” – and how can I use one to maximize the chances that my product will sell like gangbusters?
- How are you able to produce complete information products in literally hours instead of days, weeks, or months?
- What is your “micro-niching” strategy for generating huge revenue in markets which already seem saturated?
- Why do you sell your information on the Internet only? Why not ads … direct mail … retail?
- You also sell information in seminars. Is that a good forum for a writer, or do you have to be a professional speaker?
Praise for Bob Bly and
The Millionaire Writer
The Millionaire Writer has been completely updated and professionally recorded on 4 long-playing CDs (with a fifth bonus CD included at no cost; see my P.S. for details).
There’s no lengthy manual to read or boring workbook to complete. You can absorb the entire program … in about a week … while listening in your car as you drive to and from work each day. It’s that easy!
Here’s what people have said about earlier editions of The Millionaire Writer…
“Wow! I loved it! It took away all my fears, put me at ease, and made me feel that I wasn't treading on foreign soil. I kept saying to myself, 'I can do that, I can do that!'"--Ronald J. Rich
“By following the advice you laid out, I quickly reached goals that I had set for year three of my business within the first year.”--Carla Johnson
“Had I not discovered you, I would still be a frustrated, unfulfilled hack. Thank you for saving me from that! I appreciate you sharing your knowledge with the rest of us and allowing us to take a piece of the pie. I already love this new career that I never would have discovered without your guidance. Thanks.”--Elizabeth Hanes
“You helped me start work as a freelancer. I can't tell you how many times [your advice] saved my skin and got me confidently through unfamiliar materials. I am very grateful for your expertise nd generosity."--Lorraine Thompson
Use it risk-free for 90 days
That’s right. If my Millionaire Writer program doesn’t put you well on your way to earning $100,000+ a year as a freelance writer or information marketer …
Or you are dissatisfied for any other reason … or for no reason at all … just return all the CDs to me within 90 days.
I’ll refund your $97 payment in full. No questions asked. That way, you risk nothing.
So, what are you waiting for?
In 90 days or sooner, you could be happily clicking away on your laptop … sitting by your pool or on the deck of your new lake house …
… writing your next e-book, Web site, novel, or ad campaign … and earning an income even a doctor, lawyer, or airline pilot might envy.
Or, you could be no further along toward your goal of escaping your 9 to 5 job – and enjoying the millionaire writer’s or information marketer’s lifestyle.
It’s entirely up to you.
So what are you waiting for?
To order The Millionaire Writer on a 90-day risk-free trial basis, just click below now:
Bob Bly
P.S. Order The Millionaire Writer today and you get 2 FREE Bonus Gifts:
** Free Bonus Gift #1: How to Write a Book and Get It Published (list price: $29).
This 50-page report, you get everything you need to make money writing a nonfiction book … and selling it to a major New York publishing house for a five-figure advance.
You'll discover: how to find a good idea for your book … ways you can profit from becoming a published author … 5 steps to writing a book proposal editors can’t turn down … what Madison Avenue can teach you about selling your book to a big publisher … how to sell your books online … and more.
** Free Bonus Gift #2: The 10 Steps to Freelance Success (list price: $20) … recorded live at a meeting of SWAN (Self Employed Writers and Artists Network of NJ), on this CD I share with you the 10 most important things I’ve learned about making a six-figure income – including tips on prospecting, lead generation, self-promotion, pricing, and more.
The total value of these bonus gifts is $49. But they’re yours FREE when you order The Millionaire Writer on a 90-day risk-free trial basis today.
To order The Millionaire Writer … and get your 2 FREE Bonus Gifts … just click below now:
About Bob Bly

Bob Bly is a full-time freelance copywriter specializing in direct marketing. He earns more than $600,000 a year from his writing, speaking, and consulting, and became a self-made multi-millionaire while still in his 30s.
A copywriter for more than a quarter of a century, Bob has written promotions for over 100 clients including Phillips, Agora, KCI, 21st Century, Weiss Research, EBI Medical Systems, Sony, IBM, AT&T, Grumman, Crain Communications, McGraw-Hill, Intuit, and AlliedSignal.
Bob is the author of 70 books including The Copywriter’s Handbook (Henry Holt) and Business-to-Business Direct Marketing (NTC Business Books). He has published more than 100 articles in such publications as Successful Meetings, Direct, Business Marketing, Writer’s Digest, and Amtrak Express.
Bob’s writing awards include a Gold Echo from the Direct Marketing Association, an IMMY from the Information Industry Association, two Southstar Awards, an American Corporate Identity Award of Excellence, and the Standard of Excellence award from the Web Marketing Association. He also taught marketing at New York University.
Bob has appeared as a guest on dozens of TV and radio shows including The Advertising Show, Bernard Meltzer, CNBC, and CBS Hard Copy. He has been featured in major media ranging from the LA Times and Nation’s Business to the New York Post and the National Enquirer. He was a featured speaker at the 2006 annual conference of the National Speakers Association.
About Fred Gleeck
Known as the “King of Content,” Fred Gleeck is widely recognized as a highly ethical, no-hype marketer of information products. Many consider Fred to be one of the best (if not the best) teacher of “how to make money selling information products online.”
Fred has created more than 300 audio learning programs, e-books, software packages, and other information products, all of which are marketed online. He is the author of 15 books including Selling Products from the Platform and Marketing and Promoting Seminars and Workshops.
With more than 20 years experience as a speaker and seminar promoter, Fred has spoken at dozens of seminars and boot camps – both his own as well as other people’s events – to thousands of attendees. He regularly presents at both the Learning Annex and the National Speakers Association.
What they say about Bob Bly ‘s copy and counsel
"Good things are happening. I am getting a steady stream of Trial and Demo requests from the new site. These requestors are filling out the entire contact form. The site is simpler now, and I am still working to make it even more so. I appreciate your work."
—Jim Romano, DataForceOne
"Thank you so much for your wonderful work. It has been a pleasure working with you and I look forward to working with you on another project in the near future. You were always available, quick to answer questions and always exceeded my expectations. You truly are a gifted writer."
—Aaron Griffith, The Griffith
"Bob, again thanks for the great copy. You consistently help us reach customers with compelling, actionable content, when others just can't!"
—William McElleney, IBM
"The feedback keeps coming in and we all agree yours was a truly helpful, useful, insightful and effective workshop. You did a fantastic job inspiring the troops and we've already begun applying some of the key learnings."
—Paul Connors, Copywriting Manager, A large financial services company in the Chicago area
"Bob...your creative work, patience, and 'partnership' with us at IT Group has virtually propelled us to another level of business professionalism and recognition. The response we've received from your letters has been nothing short of tremendous. We've not only derived significant business from these unforgettable mailings--your efforts have sparked a creative energy within our ranks which will assist us in years to come. Thanks for your guidance and counsel."
—John A. Fallone, IT Group International
"I hired Bob on his reputation, and found it is well-deserved. His fact-finding process in preparation to write our copy was both painless and enlightening. The final deliverables were right on time as promised, and better than expected – which is saying a lot because my expectations were high. The first time I read his copy for our project, I literally got chills down my back – he nailed it the first time. Wow."
—Dennis Rosenberg, VP Marketing, VNUS Medical Technologies, Inc.
"Bob Bly did an amazing job with our company brochure. We are very impressed with his capacity to learn our product and to write copy so clearly and pointedly. Bob Bly is a great marketing investment."
—Michael Manoussos, Manhole Barrier Systems
"Great white paper! I’m in favor of the entire submission. Please congratulate Bob on a great effort."
—Michael C. Howard, Chasm Recovery
"Your Tax Loopholes ad looked great and is performing very well. Thanks for the strong copy."
—Brian Kurtz, Boardroom
"You did an excellent job. It's been a pleasure working with you on this project."
—Edward Brunet, Decatur Professional Development, LLC
"Thank you very, very much for doing such a great job on the ad. I was one of those folks who would read the ads in the DAK catalog by Drew Kaplan and this was as enjoyable for me as that."
—Chris Pickering, MeritDirect
"Bob . . . Just got the copy and advertisement you did for my new book . . . It's great! You are good! Great job . . . you have tremendous insights into what excites and what sells!"
—Don Libey, Libey Incorporated
"In my opinion, you are the best copywriter in the software industry."
—Judy MacDonald, Director of Marketing, Direct Response
"When I received the piece, I thought, I'll have to skim over it now and read it later. But, once I started, I couldn't stop! You did a GREAT job with Ken's story. I love it. It kept me reading. I'm VERY pleased with it."
—Craig Simpson, Ken Roberts Company
"Bob, It's been a pleasure to work with you!!! Thank you so much! I'm very happy with the copy; I feel it will give me good results."
—Alejandra P. Bigai, Romanicos Chocolate
"Thanks again for a great job."
—Davis Ross, Ross Advertising
"I just wanted to thank you again for the excellent work you did for us. You are the man and I can't tell you how much I admired your approach and service. Although I've never worked with a copywriter before, I think you set the standard pretty high. I look forward to working with you again. You certainly have my vote for the next round!"
—DP Jovine, Tycoon Research
"Great job – I’m always amazed at how you can boil the complex down into simple terms. It flows very well."
—Kyle Hodgens, Capital Financial Media
"Thank you for the copy. I see why you're the expert. It's so simple, it's brilliant."
—Sau Hyoung Pak, Big Machine
"The radio spots are very well done. I am very impressed with your work and copywriting expertise. We will be making the changes to the print ad as you suggested. In the future we may work with you to design a totally new print ad. Again I'd like to say I'm impressed with your services. You were prompt, informative, and definitely know your stuff. We will be recommending you to others and doing repeat business."
—Joshua Andrews, Health Solutions, LLC
"When people get to the promotion, the promotion has a good conversion rate. In one test, it actually had a 14% conversion to sale... can't ask for much better than that."
—David Galland, Casey Research
"I loved the ad! I don't see any reason for revision so I have already put through a check request for the balance I owe you on the ad. We are very excited about this one. I can't wait to see how it does. Thanks so much!"
—Alice Wessendorf, Agora Health Book
"I show off the work that we did on lead generation for negotiation -- as well as the conversion program from HMCL -- as big successes."
—Paul Szymanski, Harvard Business School Publishing
"Thank you for being very instrumental on making the launch of the wealth management book such a resounding success. It was so successful that we had to request more copies."
—Ingrid Boney, II
"Thanks, Bob! You are awesome to work with."
—Matt Morsa, Stock Secrets, Inc.
"I've spoken to a thousand copywriters over the years and Bob Bly is the best. He knows what he's doing."
—Joe Culotta, Natural Medicine Co.
"I am happy to report to you that your piece out produced the 4 other packages we tested against it. I want to talk to you about another project...."
—Nick Roumi, Pacific Coast Funding
"This is an outstanding letter. Really nice work!"
—Paul Szymanski, Harvard Business School Publishing
"Like the package ... the tone ... I think it's excellent."
—Bill Caskey, Caskey Sales Achievement
"We are very pleased with your copy approach because your copy seems to speak to the neurologist better than the copy in previous promotions. Moreover, your copy presses the sell better and more effectively. I really value your direct marketing copy capabilities and I'm thrilled to have you working with MedLink."
—Jim Chacona, MedLink
"Just wanted to take a moment to sincerely thank you for the hard work and energy you've poured into the Sinatra product package. You are a joy to work with."
—Gail Diggs, Phillips Health
"Thanks again… you did a great job."
—Caleb Cherry, Capital Financial Media
"You are a genius! I rarely love copy this much from the get-go. You hit it on the head!"
—Sara Pond, Nightingale-Conant
"The original ad insert of 'Wall Street's Loss is Your Gain' continues to kick butt -- pulls 12 to 15 subscriptions a week. Not bad for a $500 investment made 5 months ago."
—Charles Mizrahi, Stealth Stocks
"As a marketing professional, for 17 years I wrote my own promotional material. But I am not a professional copywriter. It wasn't until I took my own advice that I started getting the results I deserved. With Bob Bly, I got what I wanted - in the promised time frame - with re-writes - and the results I wanted. Thanks Bob!"
—Mark Amtower, Amtower & Company
"I found your ad copy compelling, powerful...even entertaining. You really communicated the 'feel' of the message we are selling. Thanks for such great work, Bob!"
—Ashley Earnhardt Aiken, Thomas Nelson Publishers
"Bob wrote the most ballsy ad in the history of Dynamic Changes and it set sales records this fall. People couldn’t stop themselves from responding."
—Richard Scheffren, Dynamic Changes Hypnosis
"Last year you did all the copy on the What Would Jesus Eat brochure. It was wonderful and I believe is one of the reasons that the book continues to do so very well."
—Pamela Clements, Thomas Nelson Publishers
"Your work for me is outstanding."
—Thomas Massie, BRIDGELINE Software
"Your copy looks great. Thank you for the great job. I want you to know that one of the things I'm grateful for this year is meeting you and developing a relationship which is beneficial to both of us."
—Jack McDonough, U.S. Tax Corporation
"A special thanks to Bob for doing a superb job and making this work so well. I felt like a brilliant puppet in your hands."
—Michael Masterson, AWAI
"Even though he refuses to admit it, Bob is THE Direct Marketing guru...or, at the very least, he's mine."
—Jill Perri, American Consultants League
"Great copy! I love it!"
—Marlene Jensen, The Newsletter Group
"You've done great work with this package. I'm sure it wasn't easy doing all of the research to get all of the facts you've assembled. I learned things reading this package and I think for tech investors, this level of detail and fact finding provides a lot of credibility. I think it's a winner."
—Porter Stansberry, Porter Stansberry's Investment Advisory
"The postcard copy is super!"
—Gary Yondol, Media Planet
"Bob's ad is doing great!"
—Kusko, Dynamic Changes Hypnosis
"Thanks Bob. I appreciate all your work."
—Paul Goldberg, PJ Promotions
"I am thrilled with your package, it is doing great - will roll out as the control."
—Chris Gast, Intuit
"Your package for AWAI's desktop design course won the test, outperforming our other package by over 50%."
—Katie Yeakle, AWAI
"Just wanted to let you know that as of today we have a 13.5% response (orders, not just click-throughs) for Stealth Stocks from the e-mail you wrote for us."
—Gary Mizrahi, Stealth Stock
"Great job on the Turnaround Report; it's been a huge success. We've had an incredible product launch, with hundreds of free trials in the first week."
—Marc Stockman,
"We received the letter. Our first and probably lasting impression is great. Paul is usually very skeptical but he really likes it. I know we want to stick with the first impression. It looks like it may be perfect. We are very impressed."
—Frank Lardino, Investors Alliance
"Your copy was right on target and played a major role in one of our most successful new product launches."
—Joan Damico, GretagMacbeth
"Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed working with you and reading your manuscripts of Bits and Pieces for Salespeople. You certainly knew what the readers wanted since it showed in the circulation figures."
—Joyce Restaino, Economics Press
"We're still running both projects you did for us last time. They're still pulling. Great stuff."
—John Leper, Stanford International
"I am excited about the brochure ... just sent it off to the printer. Thanks for all your hard work."
—Lori Hooven, Thomas Nelson Publishing
“This is great. It’s amazing the difference of this and what we receive from our agency. Thanks for the quick turnaround.”
—Chris Weasmer, IBM
“Thank you for you recent contributions to the past couple of projects. Your efficiency and valuable insight has really helped each project to run smoothly ... and of course, has made my job much easier. It seems our clients have been just as pleased.”
—Celine Goget, Fourth Avenue Marketing
“The first four times your half-page, 2-color ad ran in Chemical Engineering it was the highest inquiry generating ad in the magazine. It even outscored full pages and spreads.”
—Bob Berner, Robert K. Berner Associates
“Thanks Bob. Wonderful press release. I knew you’d have fun with this one.”
—Joy Contreras, Edith Roman Associates
“Thank you very much for the invaluable advice on our mailing piece. We found your ideas helpful and stimulating, [and] have been able to integrate nearly all of your suggestions into the piece.”
—Greg Richey, U.S. Capital Resources
“We still are using [the package you did for us]. It still beats all challengers to the control.”
—Mark Friedman, Medical Economics
“I appreciate your consulting efforts. You’ve made our messages sharper.”
—Gloria Anderson, The New York Times Syndicate
“Thanks for the great work you did on the pages for the Web site.”
—Steven Cwiak, SRW Technologies
“Your Growth Stock Winners insert pulled a 2.32% response. I was very pleased.”
—Abbe Pascal, KCI
“Thanks for a terrific job.”
—Marc Russman, IBM
“Thanks for your copy on this effort for our client. They were extremely pleased, as were we.”
—Bob Young, Sefton Associates
“Thanks so much for the great copy.”
—Judy MacDonald, CrossWind Technologies